For any information regarding the Montenvers train, please contact the Montenvers Departmental Authority at or
The Montenvers - Mer de Glace site is a true witness to the climate changes of our century, and deserved a space dedicated to glaciology!
The Mer de Glace
Its formation
Its history
Its future evolution...
This is what you can find out when you visit this interactive and educational site...
As part of the renovation program for the listed Montenvers site (new Public Service Delegation contract signed with the Municipality of Chamonix), we are pleased to inform you that major work has begun on the Montenvers site and will be spread over the next three years. Here are the main stages of the project
You need info, make a claim, apply at...
Collect your internet orders directly from our automatic terminals « Pick-Up Box »
20 px and more, contact, prescribers, CSE...